Organizer Contact Details:
Storm promotion, s.r.o, Štefánikova 1
811 06 Bratislava, info@ufoverticalsprint.sk
Towerrunning 120 – Bratislava 2019
UFO Vertical Sprint 2018
Date and place:
31st August 2019 – Bratislava - UFO watch.taste.groove, SNP Bridge
Discipline description:
Running up a number of floors and steps along a marked route determined in advance.
The race is in accordance with the applicable rules of TWA ( www.towerrunning.com ). The basic rule is to overcome a difference in height using one´s own strength (running, pacing, crawling). Use of a lift is not allowed. Time is measured with an electronic chronoscope. The chronoscope is turned on at the start and turned off at the moment the target destination is reached. Starts are individual with 30 second intervals.
The organiser ensures the availability of medical services; a participant races at his own risk.
Přihlasování do závodu:
Online from 1.7.2019 to 26.8.2019 at raceresult.com.
In the case of an insufficient number of participants for individual places, it is possible to sign up at the place of the race as follows:
Bratislava from 14.00 to 15.00 Max. number of contestants: 300
According to a valid start list.
Race starts:
Bratislava - 16.00
The condition for entry to the Towerrunning 120 Bratislava 2019 is participation in the race in Bratislava. Rank will be determined according to a scoring system approved by the Towerrunning World Association. Races in each of the cities will also be rated individually. The results will be announced approximately 20 minutes after the last participant completes the race.
Bratislava: Card payment during the registration at raceresult.com.
Bratislava, 8.9.2018 14.00 - 15.00, UFO watch.taste.groove, SNP Bridge
Starting fee:
Bratislava – 10 EUR
Elite male
Elite female
Open male
Open female
Storm promotion s.r.o., Štefánikova 1, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovakia
tel: 00421 903 721 718, info@ufoverticalsprint.sk, www.ufoverticalsprint.sk, www.aztowerverticalsprint.cz